
The IDEAS project: Interdisciplinary teaching and learning in junior high schools
This study is intended to advance our understanding of how the design and implementation of Interdisciplinary Learning Environments (ILEs) among humanistic fields of inquiry in the middle school might advance contemporary educational goals. To do so, we are employing a mixed-methods approach to educational scholarship including philosophical analysis, qualitative inquiry, quantitative analysis, and design based implementation research (DBIR). we are exploring ten schools in Israel to follow the implementation of an interdisciplinary teaching model which we developed.
Co PI: Prof. Hanan Alexander.
Sites of tension project: Transformations in Holocaust memory in five European countries
We will examine the changing narratives of Holocaust memory in five key countries on both sides of the former “Iron Curtain”: Poland, Germany, Hungary, the U.K, and Spain. Each of these countries bears a di fferent Holocaust legacy and all five countries are currently undergoing economic and social upheaval involving a rise of alt-right parties and rising antisemitism.
Within each country our data-collection is focusing on three goals: obtaining a clear picture of the political Holocaust-related discourse in that country, clarifying educational attitudes and goals of Holocaust educators and identifying links in the public imagination between the Holocaust, contemporary antisemitism, anti-immigration and nationalism, as they are expressed on social media platforms.
Co PI: Prof. Arieh Kochavi